Step 1 Contact us to receive a exclusive coupon code.
Step 2 Share www.Berryshair.com to your social media channel.
Step 3 Invite your friends to use the coupon code.
Step 4 The more people using the coupon codes,the more bundles you will receive.
You can exchange for bundles of any types between 12-20 inch.
Get 1 bundles hair weave,if 8 FRIENDS use your coupon code.
Get 2 bundles hair weave,if 15 FRIENDS use your coupon code.
Get 3 bundles hair weave,if 20 FRIENDS use your coupon code.
Notes:We calculate the amount of the applied coupons at the end of every month.Once your coupon has reached the required amount of an exchange,we would inform you immediately and ship the bundles to you at the beginning of next month.
If you do not use up your credit during one exchange, you can accumulateit till the next time it reaches the required amount to exchange for free bundles.
Cash Refund:
1. Post our hair positive review video on your Instagram and tag @berrysfashionhaircompany can get $20 cash refund.
2.Post our hair positive review video on your Tiktok and tag @berrysfashionhair_sherry can get $20 cash refund.
3.Post our hair positive review video on your youtube and put the www.berryshair.com under your video can get $30 cash refund .